Ripper FX Ethanol/ Denatured Alcohol (99.87%) 5 litres

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Ripper FX Ethanol/ Denatured Alcohol (99.87%) 5 litres
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99.87% Ethanol denatured

Suitable for use in hand sanitiser

Very versatile solvent used in cosmetics and for cleaning and disinfecting. Very popular in the manufcature of hand sanitiser gels and sprays.

Not suitable for food products or drinking.

Flammable Ethanol Uses

Ethanol is a very versatile product and can be used in a variety of applications. It is an effective solvent in the paints, lacquers and varnish industry. You will also find that it is found in a lot of cosmetics such as toners and makeup brush cleaners. It can be used as a window cleaner, spray and wipe disinfectant, and a steriliser.

Ethanol 99% vs. Ethanol 70%

Ethanol 99% is more suited to cleaning type applications when a quick evaporation rate is required. Whereas ethanol 70% is also known as rubbing alcohol, that can be used on the skin to disinfect and kill bacteria. The difference is the moisture content and the strength of the alcohol. The higher the strength the more it will flash off but in the circumstance when you need to kill bacteria, sometimes the 70% works better as it has longer surface time, therefore, more time to kill the germs.

If you are looking to make a Hand Sanitiser Gel or Spray, you would use the 95% Ethanol and then add the 25-30% to make your Gel/Spray.

If you are lkooking for a quick surface disinfectant and equipment cleaner then our 70% Ethanol would be suitable.

Chemical details:

UN 1170

Hazchem 2YE Class 3